A list of links (and stuff) for Porsche 914s
I have one of these
My list of 914 links
Dr.Ing.h.c.F.Porsche AG The factory page about the 914.
Parts - New - Retail and Wholesale
Pelican Parts Staffed by fellow 914 nuts.
German Parts and Restoration Excellent service, Excellent prices.
Restoration Design "Producing high quality rust repair and complete replacement panels for vintage PorscheĀ® automobiles."
all914.com Probably the best 914 mechanic in the world. And the biggest collection of parts I've ever seen. Give him a call no matter what your're looking for.

Automobile Atlanta

Some people hate them, some love them. But they have parts no one else does.
Impex Foreign Auto Parts
H.D. Rogers & Sons Auto Parts Parts for almost all makes of imported cars.
Susquehanna MotorSports Lots of parts; especially Hella lights.
Mittle Motor A German 914 page. Somebody should buy me one of their mufflers.
R.E.S. Systems Manufactures "better than OEM" wiring harnesses.
Vehicle Craft Really nice brakes
Parts - Used
dc Auto Home

Parts - Used - Individuals

914 parts corner
914 parts list
Motor Meister Porsche Engine Rebuilder
Discussions / Mailing Lists
Rennlist: The (only?) Porsche Mailing list
Other web sites
The Porsche 914 Club
The Porsche 914 Fan Web Page
Porsche 914 Clubs Around the World
The 914-6 club of Germany
Mike Cooley One of the nicest guys on the net.
Jim Cole's 72 914/6 2.2 Turbo with a tube frame
The Complete WWW Porsche Home Used to be known as www.porsches.com, until the lawyers noticed.
VW Type-IV
The VW Type 4
Type IV Conversion Page
Riechert Tuning Air Cooled Volkswagen Engines They also have new 914 heads: [click here]
Next Generation The type-IV Upright Conversion Manual,
type4.org Has some good FI manuals on-line.
Miscellaneous sites
Tapiro A Delorean/914 thing
Getting farther away from stock....
The Type 2 Technical Resource Library
Miller Fuel Injection Main Page
BugShop FAQ: Heating your Beetle
Air Cooled dot Net Mostly Bug Stuff
Transporter and MicroBus stuff
General motorist links
SECURE CAR Special Interest Car Loss Prevention
Do-It-Yourself Alignment Learn something from a British car owner
Car Battery FAQ
How to make a pressure bleeder.
Palo Alto Speedometer: Repair, Restoration, and Sales of Automobile Gauges
Platz Mall - Porsche Products- Parts, Accessories, Services, Automobilia
Weber Carburetors " Absolutely the Lowest Prices and the Best Service"
Grassroots Motorsports magazine online
914 Lite details . . .
Porsche 914 Club "It's dead, Jim."
The Complete WWW Porsche Home
Both links hit the same page.
Dave Darling posted these a while back. I haven't had a chance to look at them.
This will probably get into the next version of the FAQ, whenever that happens. Anyway, here are a few sources---

The Porsche Classified Digest , searches several newspapers' databases all at once, cars.com lists advertisements from more.
The Porsche Market Letter is nothing *but* Porsche classifieds. I forget what a subscription costs, but it's pretty low.
The 914 Club's homepage has two sections where you may find cars for sale. The "Want Ads", and "Cars for Sale". (How logical--at least that second one... ;^)
The 914 Fan Page has a "For Sale" section in its forum. It doesn't seem to get a lot of traffic, though.
The Pelican Parts page has some cars listed for sale, plus the "used 914 parts and cars" section of the Pelican BBS.
If you're in the Midwest, Perry Keihl's 914 Network in TN or Brad Mayeur's 914 Limited in IL sometimes find reasonable cars to sell. And they're both good at making unreasonable cars into reasonable ones.
Finally, the 914 Rennlist is a source of lots of 914 info, including some cars for sale. (Also check the "cars for sale" section of the website!)

Pelican Parts Staffed by fellow 914 nuts.
Books about 914s
There aren't a lot of them.
This is a list of the ones that are available from Barnes & Noble.
If you "click through" from here and buy one, I get a small commission.

Books in print:

In-Stock: Ships 2-3 days.
Brian Long / Hardcover / Date Published: October 1997
Retail Price: $39.95 Our Price: $27.96, You Save $11.99 (30%)

Available: Ships 1-2 weeks.
Patrick C. Pafernie,Patrick C. Paternie / Paperback / Date Published: June 1999
Retail Price: $24.95 Our Price: $19.96, You Save $4.99 (20%)

Red 914-6
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